Job-Driven VRTAC

Assistive Technology for People with Mental Health Conditions: Part 1

Mark Harniss and Maria Kelley
Date/Time [EST]: 
07/27/2016 - 2:00pm

In Part 1 of this ExploreVR webinar, Mark Harniss and Maria Kelley from the University of Washington Center for Technology and Disability Studies will provide an overview of the cognitive functions that affect job performance of individuals with mental health conditions. The objective of this webinar is to help participants understand the cognitive impact caused by mental health issues and the effects on employment outcomes.

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Assistive Technology for People with Mental Health Conditions: Part 1 Powerpoint (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Assistive Technology for People with Mental Health Conditions: Part 1 Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

Job-Driven VRTAC

Implementing Change in the Age of WIOA: Mid-managers Supporting Counselors in the Use of LMI

Mary Ann Bedick and Paula Pottenger
Date/Time [EST]: 
07/20/2016 - 2:00pm

Mid managers play a key role in ensuring LMI is fully incorporated in the counseling process. As new procedures and expectations emerge, an understanding of change implementation and strategies will be useful to managers responsible for training and supporting counselors.

Change initiatives are a part of organizational life. Individuals holding middle management positions are frequently tasked with implementing a change directive and ensuring it is translated to new employee behavior.  As a result, it is essential for middle management to understand “the human side of change”, strengthen change leadership skills, and develop strategies to support change implementation.

This webinar presentation will explore:

  • The human side of change
  • Leadership for change initiatives
  • Applying a model of change (ADKAR) to the use of LMI in VR
  • Anticipating changes for counselors relative to LMI utilization


Download the Powerpoint presentation: Implementing Change in the Age of WIOA: Mid-Managers Supporting Counselors in the use of LMI Powerpoint (PDF) 

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Implementing Change in the Age of WIOA: Mid-Managers Supporting Counselors in the use of LMI Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

The Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Demand-Side Strategies (Demand-Side RRTC) is housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Grant # H133B120002.

Job-Driven VRTAC

Job-Driven Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC) Forum on VR Business Relations

On March 3, 18 Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies from across the nation attended the JD-VRTAC Targeted Technical Assistance Forum, Developing a Business Relations Structure: Lessons Learned from VR Trailblazersin San Antonio, TX. The University of Arkansas, CURRENTS and the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) organized this forum as part of the Job-Driven VR Technical Assistance Center.

Job-Driven Communities of Practice on LMI and Business Engagement Data Collection

Effective Use of Labor Market Information (LMI) Within VR

The Job-Driven VR Technical Assistance Center (JDVRTAC) is collaborating with the San Diego State Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC) to create a virtual Community of Practice (CoP) on effective use of LMI in VR. The CoP will focus on seven key areas for discussion:

Partnering with Workforce in Business Engagement

Yvonne Wright
Date/Time [EST]: 
06/22/2016 - 3:00pm

This ExploreVR webinar will focus on how Missouri has developed a collaborative partnership between vocational rehabilitation and workforce development. Yvonne Wright, the director of business outreach and workforce development at Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation, will discuss how the partnership was established, how it has evolved, and the positive effects it has had in serving the dual customer.

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Partnering with Workforce in Business Engagement Powerpoint (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Partnering with Workforce in Business Engagement Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

The Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Demand-Side Strategies (Demand-Side RRTC) is housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Grant # H133B120002.

Job-Driven VRTAC

Assistive Technology for Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities: Part 2

Mark Harniss and Maria Kelley
Date/Time [EST]: 
06/17/2016 - 2:00pm

In Part 2 of this ExploreVR webinar, Mark Harniss and Maria Kelley from the University of Washington Center for Technology and Disability Studies will provide an overview of the types of assistive technologies available to support adults with learning disabilities in reading and writing. 

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Assistive Technology for Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities: Part 2 Powerpoint (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Assistive Technology for Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities: Part 2 Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

Job-Driven VRTAC

Assistive Technology for Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities: Part 1

Mark Harniss and Maria Kelley
Date/Time [EST]: 
06/15/2016 - 2:00pm

In Part 1 of this ExploreVR webinar, Mark Harniss and Maria Kelley from the University of Washington Center for Technology and Disability Studies will describe the demographics of learning disabilities in the U.S. and will provide information about using assistive technology (AT) as an accommodation for adults with learning disabilities.

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Assistive Technology for Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities: Part 1 Powerpoint (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Assistive Technology for Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities: Part 1 Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

Job-Driven VRTAC

Sector Strategies: What Are They and How Can They Help VR Agencies?

Lindy Foley and Patricia Maguire
Date/Time [EST]: 
05/16/2016 - 12:00pm

This ExploreVR webinar will provide information about sector strategies and how they can assist VR agencies—including leaders, administrators, and counselors—in building resources for demand-driven employment opportunities for their job seekers. A sector strategy approach is a partnership of multiple employers within a critical industry that brings together education, economic development, workforce system, and community organizations to identify and collaboratively meet the workforce needs of that industry within a regional labor market. 

Jobs for the Future (JFF), a partner in the Job Driven VR Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC), will provide an overview of sector strategies. JFF has a long history in sector work and has been instrumental in developing and implementing the National Fund for Workforce Solutions. Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation will present their sector strategy approach, how they partner with employers to identify in-demand skills, and how they support the development of training programs that prepare clients to successfully enter jobs.

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Sector Strategies: What are they and how can they help VR agencies? Powerpoint (PDF) 

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Sector Strategies: What are they and how can they help VR agencies? Transcript (Word)  

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002.

Job-Driven VRTAC

Skills for Business Engagement: Part 1

Laurie Ford, Lara Enein–Donovan, and Rick Kugler
Date/Time [EST]: 
05/10/2016 - 1:00pm

This ExploreVR webinar will provide an overview of business engagement competencies outlined in the ExploreVR Business Engagement Toolkit. Presenters will discuss three key competencies of VR business engagement:

  1. Labor market needs
  2. Communication strategies
  3. Internal management strategies


This webinar will familiarize VR personnel with the matrix of business engagement competencies, and will explain how the competencies in each of the categories contribute to engaging businesses in the VR process. 

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Skills for Business Engagement: Part 1 Powerpoint (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Skills for Business Engagement: Part 1 Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

The Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Demand-Side Strategies (Demand-Side RRTC) is housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Grant # H133B120002.

Job-Driven VRTAC