This ExploreVR webinar will provide information about sector strategies and how they can assist VR agencies—including leaders, administrators, and counselors—in building resources for demand-driven employment opportunities for their job seekers. A sector strategy approach is a partnership of multiple employers within a critical industry that brings together education, economic development, workforce system, and community organizations to identify and collaboratively meet the workforce needs of that industry within a regional labor market.
Jobs for the Future (JFF), a partner in the Job Driven VR Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC), will provide an overview of sector strategies. JFF has a long history in sector work and has been instrumental in developing and implementing the National Fund for Workforce Solutions. Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation will present their sector strategy approach, how they partner with employers to identify in-demand skills, and how they support the development of training programs that prepare clients to successfully enter jobs.
Download the Powerpoint presentation: Sector Strategies: What are they and how can they help VR agencies? Powerpoint (PDF)
All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Sector Strategies: What are they and how can they help VR agencies? Transcript (Word)
The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002.