
Creating a Sustainable Partnership: Utilizing a Medicaid Billing Code as a Stable Source of Funding for Supported Employment Services - Oregon Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Case Study

The VR-RRTC partnered with a national group of content experts to identify potential promising VR employment practices serving people with psychiatric disabilities. These case studies were designed to identify some creative and collaborative ways that VR agencies could develop improved strategies to improve employment outcomes for their clients using this most current knowledge efficiently and effectively.

Partnering from the Top-Down and Maintaining Fidelity to IPS using Jointly Funded Staff: South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department Case Study

The VR-RRTC partnered with a national group of content experts to identify potential promising VR employment practices serving people with psychiatric disabilities. These case studies were designed to identify some creative and collaborative ways that VR agencies could develop improved strategies to improve employment outcomes for their clients using this most current knowledge efficiently and effectively.

Interagency Collaboration through Shared Administrative Responsibility, Shared Staff, and Counterpart Supported Employment Coordinators: Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Case Study

The VR-RRTC partnered with a national group of content experts to identify potential promising VR employment practices serving people with psychiatric disabilities. These case studies were designed to identify some creative and collaborative ways that VR agencies could develop improved strategies to improve employment outcomes for their clients using this most current knowledge efficiently and effectively.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Mental Health Agency Collaborations with the Implementation of Co-located Counselors: Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Case Study

The VR-RRTC partnered with a national group of content experts to identify potential promising VR employment practices serving people with psychiatric disabilities. These case studies were designed to identify some creative and collaborative ways that VR agencies could develop improved strategies to improve employment outcomes for their clients using this most current knowledge efficiently and effectively.

Description of Supported Employment Practices, Partnerships, and Funding Models of Four Types of State Agencies and Community Rehabilitation Providers

This Supported Employment (SE) research focuses on vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency partnerships with other state entities, and sources and models for long-term funding (extended services). The design called for embedding supported employment questions in ongoing surveys of multiple state agencies and case studies of SE coordination and funding models in several states to illuminate issues identified through these surveys.

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A Description and Analysis of State Policy Frameworks Regarding Order of Selection Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act

Publication Year: 2010

Report Prepared for

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
On Vocational Rehabilitation
Institute for Community Inclusion
University of Massachusetts, Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125

Prepared by

Robert “Bobby” Silverstein, J.D.
1501 M Street, N.W., 7th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005

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