Archived Webinars

Maine Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Eliminating and Maintaining No Waitlist: A Project Plan for Success!

This webinar is the second in a series looking at promising practices in prioritizing and delivering of services to individuals with the most significant disabilities (MSD). Presenters will highlight results from case studies identifying strategies that VR agencies have used to manage outreach, service access, and case flow to ensure that individuals with MSD are served on a priority basis. Strategies include tools to manage priority categories, fiscal and human resources, performance, waitlists, and stakeholder communication.

Research and Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) Management Model: Request for Participation Information Session

The Research and Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) on VR Program Management released a request for participation in a research project in late November 2011 for a 12-month learning collaborative laboratory.  This webinar served as an information session for those interested in learning more.

Download presentation (.pdf) (.rtf)

VR Strategies to Manage Outreach, Service Access, and Case Flow to Ensure Priority Service Delivery for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities

This webinar is the first in a series looking at promising practices in prioritizing and delivering of services to individuals with Most Significant Disabilities (MSD). Presenters will discuss results from case studies identifying strategies that VR agencies have used to manage outreach, service access, and case flow to ensure that individuals with MSD are served on a priority basis. Strategies include tools to manage priority categories, fiscal and human resources, performance, waitlists, and stakeholder communication.

VR Match Funding Options

The third webinar in the VR fiscal series reviews the critical policy and practices issues to be considered in the development of third party funding and other options, such as interagency transfer, for meeting the match requirements for the Title I VR federal funds. There was review of the federal regulations and guidance including the issues raised during third party match in recent RSA monitoring.

A Systematic Research Synthesis on Vocational Rehabilitation

Researchers present and discuss the findings of a systematic review of empirical research on the public VR system spanning 1970 to 2008. The review aimed to characterize the public VR program in terms of its programmatic and systematic features, the types of customers served, and the kinds of outcomes achieved as resported in research studies. More broadly, the review aimed to describe the existing VR research base, including gaps in research, and to make recommendations for future research investment.

Getting Your State Match

The TACE I and the VR-RRTC at ICI / UMass Boston presented on Vocational Rehabilitation financial strategies for achieving match funding and managing the financial options available to VR. Discussed strategies and approaches to getting match funding to maximize states federal allotment. The focus was on the development and implementation of a strategy to achieve full state match through the budget process.

Using ICI's website: Focus on RSA-911

This is an interactive web tutorial on using the RSA 911 information contained in The webinar is tailored for state VR agency staff that are involved in planning, evaluation, management and public information. The webinar provides an overview of the site and how to navigate through the 911 data.

Visit the ExploreVR Open Data Lab to download raw RSA 911 data sets