Archived Webinars

Kentucky Office for the Blind’s Experience with the Career Centers

Since May 2010, the Kentucky Department for Workforce Investment, which is comprised of the Office for the Blind, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Office of Employment and Training, have been working towards a more unified and collaborative approach to the delivery of workforce development services. Kentucky Office for the Blind has had to adapt to the new business services framework.

Financial Services Job Development in the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

The NJ-DVRS RTAC Project Committee Members developed and implemented a unique screening process which enabled NJ-DVRS counselors within the pilot’s project offices to skillfully identify consumers for jobs in New Jersey’s lucrative Financial Services Sector. RTAC Project Team members worked diligently to enhance collaborative efforts between NJ-DVRS and the New Jersey Financial Services Talent Network (FSTN). The NJ-DVRS and FSTN partnership provided opportunities for NJ-DVRS consumers with the skills and interest to explore jobs in financial services.

Strategies for Increasing the Hourly Earnings of VR Consumers in Western North Carolina and Resulting Implications for Statewide Expansion

North Carolina’s General VR Program (NC DVRS) partnered with ICI consultants to strategically address ways to increase hourly earnings of those served within two different service areas within western North Carolina.  This webinar will present each strategy, its impact on hourly earnings, and lessons learned from the experience. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative.

MyVR - An Internal Client Communication Application for Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation

Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation presented a webinar on their innovative application for internal client communication. The webinar discusses "MyVR" as a tool that changed business practices for client engagement, independence, and empowerment for their VR clients and staff in Nebraska. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative.

Developing Measures of Quality VR Counseling in Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

This webinar will describe the process of working with RTAC to develop measures of quality VR counseling for the counselor performance evaluation.  The speakers will discuss the measures they came up with, how they arrived at them including challenges, barriers, and debates, and the future of the project. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative.

Connecticut Rehabilitation Services Strategic Planning: Addressing Program Structure and Mission

Connecticut Rehabilitation Services presented a webinar on strategic planning within their agency. This presentation guided participants through a strategic planning process that addressed issues of program structure, mission, central challenge, and key priority areas. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative.

Motivational Interviewing: An Organizational Improvement Driver for Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation

Motivational Interviewing began as a voluntary staff training opportunity in Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation.  It has grown into an organizational improvement driver that has implications far beyond original expectations.  Their participation with RTAC enabled them to grow significantly in their capacity as an organization and in service to their clients. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative.

VR Match Funding Options Webinar

The third webinar in the VR fiscal series reviews the critical policy and practices issues to be considered in the development of third party funding and other options, such as interagency transfer, for meeting the match requirements for the Title I VR federal funds. There was review of the federal regulations and guidance including the issues raised during third party  match in recent RSA monitoring.