Desiree always wanted to be a nurse, and she was thrilled when she got her current community nursing job. She works out in the community, teaching her patients and staff, working with doctors, advocating for clients in regards to their health issues, and talking with clients and their families.
As she describes it:
I just feel like I am making life better for someone else.
Desiree has always wanted to dedicate her life to helping others. Her position as a delegating nurse allows her to do just that, working primarily with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Her supervisors, Chantelle and Shanna, emphasize the pleasure it is to work with her, and how much they value her timeliness, compassion, and enthusiasm.
Experiencing chronic health issues, Desiree worked with her local vocational rehabilitation (VR) office to arrange accommodations before going to school. VR staffers connected her with a typing tutor to assist with the significant number of papers assigned; provided her with financial assistance for tuition, books, and gas; and supported her with counseling.
After completing her school program, Desiree needed to take a licensure test. Her VR office assisted with that, and then helped her look for gainful employment in her desired field.
So they were a major, major piece in making it more comfortable for me to step out and do it, you know, conquer my dream.
Desiree’s family and friends noticed a positive change in her life after returning to work. Her daughter Bertony sees that Desiree’s nursing job is a perfect fit for her teaching spirit. Bertony has seen how Desiree helps and teaches not only the patients, but also the staff around her.
Her mother Antoinette describes how Desiree had to overcome pain, isolation, and other problems. By going back to school and getting a new job, Desiree got a new lease on life. Antoinette said, “She’s got dreams and horizons that she didn’t have before, and she is just excited about everything in life now… She is like a whole new person.”
Desiree now believes that you never know what path life will lead you down, and that you should be open to new opportunities.
Everything about my life is different. This was a major transformation – I am about to tear up – because I just had no idea that it would be this great of a transformation and even more than what I hoped for.
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The SGA Project is funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education Grant # H235L100004