Developing Career Pathways for VR Clients: Delaware DVR's Job-Driven Project
Engaging Businesses from a Blindness Perspective: New Jersey’s Development of a Business Relations Unit
Over the past 2 years, with assistance from the JD-VRTAC, the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI) has developed a 4-person Business Relations Unit (BRU) dedicated to engaging and serving business as a primary customer, coordinating and providing trainings and technical assistance, organizing targeted hiring events, and facilitating a talent pipeline from one of NJ’s untapped talent pools.
Building Blocks of Registered Apprenticeship (RA): A Deep Dive into RA Implementation
Geri Scott, Director of Jobs for the Future; Mark Genua, Apprenticeship Program Director at Philadelphia Works; and Elizabeth St. Clair, Apprenticeship Director, at the Urban Technology Project will discuss the key components of Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs. On this webinar, presenters explained:
New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation Business Engagement: Success, Setbacks, & Lessons Learned
- the process for creating their Business Engagement structure;
- steps they took to prepare the field to engage business; and
- unique barriers they encountered when integrating the Business Engagement Unit into the field.
Vocational Rehabilitation and Community College Customized Training Partnerships: Practices and Challenges
Authored By: Katie Allen, Neil McNeil, and Kartik Trivedi
Customized Training: An Inclusive Employment Training Option in Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Practice
The Langston University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Research and Capacity Building for Minority Entities (Langston RRTC) and the Job-Driven Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC) are presenting a webinar on how vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs serve people with disabilities through the use of Customized Training (CT) models. The presentation will focus on the challenges faced and benefits gained by people with disabilities from racial, ethnic, and other minority backgrounds participating in CT employment training programs.
Making Sense (Cents?): Having a Disability-Friendly Business
By: Russell Thelin
This presentation explains 25 ways to make a business more accessible and disability-friendly.
South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department Partnership with the Statewide Technical College System in South Carolina
Stephen Marshall, Business Services Coordinator and Kim Mann from Business Services unit at South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department (SCVRD) discuss how SCVRD works with their statewide technical college system to design training programs that meet the needs of VR consumers and businesses.
Read more about the practices and challenges that other states shared in this Community of Practice: “Vocational Rehabilitation and Community College Customized Training Partnerships: Practices and Challenges”.