Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act

Introduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) in a Job-Driven Economy

Mary Wright, Lois Joy, and Hugh Bradshaw
Date/Time [EST]: 
12/15/2015 - 2:00pm

This webinar will examine the value of Labor Market Information (LMI) as it applies to national workforce job-driven initiatives around preparing youth and adults with disabilities for work. This presentation will focus on how vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies use LMI throughout various levels of the agency to inform their work with consumers and businesses. Presenters will define and discuss the impacts of traditional and real-time LMI, as well as LMI gathered from the field.  

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Introduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) in a Job-Driven Economy PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Introduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) in a Job-Driven Economy Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

The Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Demand-Side Strategies (Demand-Side RRTC) is housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Grant # H133B120002.

Job-Driven VRTAC

Introduction to Customized Training (CT) in a Job-Driven Economy

Mark Henry, Alexandra Waugh, Cecilia Gandolfo, and Neil McNeil
Date/Time [EST]: 
12/09/2015 - 1:00pm

This webinar will define the concept of Customized Training (CT) as it applies to national workforce job-driven initiatives around preparing youth and adults with disabilities for work. This presentation will focus on current VR Customized Training models and practices that demonstrate VR collaboration with employers and other community partners. These partnerships and training programs help to fulfill employer or industry needs for skilled workers and can provide positive employment opportunities for VR consumers. 

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Introduction to Customized Training in a Job-Driven Economy PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Introduction to Customized Training in a Job-Driven Economy Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

Job-Driven VRTAC

Using the Vermont Progressive Employment Model to Meet Pre-Employment Transition Services Provisions to WIOA

Policy Note Issue NO. 1, 2015

This paper provides a focused, preliminary analysis of the July 2014 amendments to Title I of the Rehabilitation Act regarding the Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) Program. 

This paper is considered a “preliminary” analysis because the US Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration has not yet promulgated regulations, policy directives, or guidance relative to implementation of the amendments, even though the new law took effect for the VR program as soon as the President signed it. 

Our discussion here is focused because it is limited to an analysis of a new service authorized in the legislation—Pre-Employment Transition Services—and its compatibility with an emerging practice in public VR services—Vermont Progressive Employment. 

Download Publication

RTAC Expert Summit: Introducing the VR Program Management Framework as a Tool for WIOA Implementation

Date/Time [EST]: 
09/28/2015 - 12:00pm

On Monday, September 28, 2015 from 12pm - 4pm EST and Tuesday, September 29, 2015 from 12pm - 3:30pm EST, the Research and Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) on VR Program Management hosted an online virtual conference, Expert Summit: Introducing the VR Program Management Framework as a Tool for WIOA Implementation. The RTAC Expert Summit discussed the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program Management Framework, and highlighted effective program management practices in the context of adapting to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The two-day virtual conference was a forum to bridge research, policy, and practice. We invited researchers, service users, providers, consultants, and administrators to join us as we discussed priority issues regarding WIOA and identify avenues for future research and development.

This summit stimulated a dialogue between ICI researchers, state VR agency leadership and staff, and content experts regarding all components of the VR Program Management Framework.

For more information about the RTAC Expert Summit, including an archive of the Expert Summit:

RTAC Expert Summit Day 1 Webinar Presentation Day 1 includes Sessions 1, 2, and 3. 

RTAC Expert Summit Day 2 Webinar Presentation Day 2 includes Sessions 4 and 5.

RTAC Expert Summit Session 1: VR Program Management Key Findings (PPT)

RTAC Expert Summit Session 2: Employer Engagement (PPT)

RTAC Expert Summit Session 3: Pre-employment Transition Services (PPT)

RTAC Expert Summit Session 4: Customized Training (PPT)

RTAC Expert Summit Session 5: Extended Services (PPT) 

RTAC Expert Summit Sessions & Agenda (PDF)

RTAC Expert Summit Sessions & Agenda (Word)

Informational Webinar on the JD-VRTAC Request for Participation for State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies

Julisa Cully and Cecilia Gandolfo
Date/Time [EST]: 
07/08/2015 - 4:15pm

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston hosts the Job Driven Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC) funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). We will be releasing a request for participation (RFP) for state vocational rehabilitation agencies to participate in intensive technical assistance (TA) on job driven strategies as part of the center. The RFP is open to all 80 VR agencies nationally. The TA will be based upon research-supported and emerging promising practices that have been shown to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities, both on a state-by-state and a national level.

During the webinar, the speakers provide their rationale for the RFP and give highlights of the technical assistance activities and the RFP process. 

Job-Driven VRTAC

Adopting the Vermont Progressive Employment Model

Hugh Bradshaw, John Halliday, and Susan Foley
Date/Time [EST]: 
04/10/2013 - 12:00pm

Informational Session on the VR-RRTC on Demand-Side Strategies Study and Learning Collaborative

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) and the Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) are pleased to have hosted a webinar, which provided information about Vermont’s Progressive Employment (PE) Model and discussed the opportunity for state VR agencies to engage in a research project aimed at replicating the model using a learning collaborative approach.

Financial Services Job Development in the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Alice Hunnicutt, Teresa Owens, and Norma Cordeiro
Date/Time [EST]: 
09/11/2014 - 11:00am

The NJ-DVRS RTAC Project Committee Members developed and implemented a unique screening process which enabled NJ-DVRS counselors within the pilot’s project offices to skillfully identify consumers for jobs in New Jersey’s lucrative Financial Services Sector. RTAC Project Team members worked diligently to enhance collaborative efforts between NJ-DVRS and the New Jersey Financial Services Talent Network (FSTN). The NJ-DVRS and FSTN partnership provided opportunities for NJ-DVRS consumers with the skills and interest to explore jobs in financial services.  NJ-DVRS has a database of job ready consumers to work in the New Jersey Financial Services Industry who were identified, screened and prepared as part of the NJ-RTAC Project. Development activities included:

- Cross Training
- Business Summit
- Duplication Cross Training
- Continuous Job Development
- Continuous training referrals

This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Adopting the Vermont Progressive Employment Model - Informational Session on the VR-RRTC on Demand-Side Strategies Study and Learning Collaborative

Hugh Bradshaw, Dennis Moore, and Susan Foley
Date/Time [EST]: 
01/08/2015 - 10:30am

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) and the Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) are pleased to have hosted a webinar, which provided information about Vermont’s Progressive Employment (PE) Model and discussed the opportunity for state VR agencies to engage in a research project aimed at replicating the model using a learning collaborative approach.