The Reasonable Accommodation Process for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors: Part 2


Vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) play an essential role in facilitating reasonable accommodation outcomes between job-seekers/employees and employers. In individual cases, the VRC can help build the job-seeker/employee’s confidence in requesting reasonable accommodation. For employers making commitments toward more diverse and inclusive workplaces, the VRC can serve as a collaborative partner to meet those goals. 

Part II of this two-part webinar will cover examples and case studies showing how the VRC can maximize successful outcomes (e.g., number of 26 closures) by collaborating with applicants/employees and employers. Building relationships with your clients and employers may not only pay off in numbers—you may find yourself with more energy at the end of every work day!

Download the Powerpoint presentation: Reasonable Accommodations Process: Part 2 Powerpoint (PDF)

All ExploreVR webinars are live captioned: Reasonable Accommodations Process: Part 2 Transcript (WORD)

The JD-VRTAC is a national center housed at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The center and its webinars are funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the US Department of Education under grant #H264A140002. 

Eva Larrauri and Andrea Olson
Date/Time [EST]