The Innovative Guided Rehabilitation Employer Engagement Training Series (iGREET)

Are you looking for information and training on ways to effectively support employers? The iGREET training series is for you!  

The core components of the training are 4 modules that are offered in both virtual classroom style and self-paced online versions. To support agency-wide adoption of the principles and practices presented in the training, supplemental training, and guides are available for agency leadership and trainers. To learn more about the course content, visit the iGREET course description.


iGREET Training Elements

As an effort to support the development and expansion of employer services within vocational rehabilitation agencies, iGREET is comprised of the following components and formats:

CRC credits are available for all iGREET training opportunities. 


Online - Self-Paced Course 

The online, asynchronous iGREET course offers participants the opportunity to complete individual iGREET modules or the entire course within three months. This is a stand-alone, self-paced course using the iGREET curriculum content and a variety of online learning modalities, including case studies, videos, text, resources, and knowledge checks. Please note that participants need to have their desired content completed before the end of the 3 months, as login credentials expire after the closing date.  

Upcoming online training dates:

 Watch for upcoming training dates through the ExploreVR newsletter and on this page.

Virtual - Instructor-facilitated Course 

For learners who prefer to learn through discussion and face-to-face interactions, the iGREET course (14 lessons) is offered via Zoom and is delivered classroom style. This format is great for you if you prefer to interact with your fellow participants and the trainers. Lessons are typically held once a week and attendance at all or most of the lessons is required (see lesson descriptions for training content information). 

Upcoming online training dates:

 Watch for upcoming training dates through the ExploreVR newsletter and on this page.


Train-the-Trainer Guide & Trainer CoP

The T-CoP is currently in session. Contact for information about the T-CoP and the iGREET Trainer Guide.

Agencies may choose to use the iGREET curriculum as a group learning opportunity for staff professional development. This guide supports in-house training staff to support and enhance participation in the iGREET online course. The guide provides training staff guidance on how to supplement the iGREET online content to give learners opportunities to a) fully understand how Employer Engagement is implemented in their specific agency, b) practice their skills or c) discuss additional employer engagement situations and strategies.   

This guide supports trainers in facilitating cooperative learning opportunities for training cohorts. Included in this guide are the following:  

  • Explanations of the objectives and desired outcomes/takeaways of each module and specific lessons within each module  
  • Appendices containing the branching scenarios and case studies presented in the online lesson, for review and further discussion.  
  • Background information (“Quick Guides”) provides detailed information about many topics covered in the modules.  
  • Strategies for completing and discussing fieldwork activities.  
  • Additional discussion topics and exercises to expand learning opportunities for trainees, including team projects, agency strategy development, etc.   
  • Access to videos that were used in the online training, which are organized by module and available for review and discussion, at the trainer’s discretion.  


Orientation iGREET Session for Agency Supervisors

Description: This session will provide supervisors within vocational rehabilitation agencies, community rehabilitation providers, or other disability employment agencies information about the free iGREET employer engagement training provided by the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI), Univ. of Mass. (Boston). The iGREET training provides employer engagement staff with foundational and advanced knowledge of the principles of effective employer engagement as well as strategies for partnering with businesses to promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities. 

Audience: Suggested attendees include State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency front-line supervisors overseeing direct service staff (i.e. counselors, business engagement staff, etc.). Supervisors with contracting agencies and other disability-serving entities are also encouraged to participate. 

In addition, a guide for supervisors of employer engagement staff was created by the ICI to provide an orientation to the iGREET curriculum through the lens of agency supervisory staff, as well as to encourage and support the use of best practices in employer engagement. Topics such as outreach to businesses, data collection, information sharing, etc. are covered in the iGREET curriculum and elaborated on in this guide. Please email for more information.


Orientation Session for Agency Leadership/Administrators

Description: This session is intended to provide administrators and other leadership staff within vocational rehabilitation agencies, community rehabilitation providers, or other disability employment agencies. 
Audience: Suggested attendees include VR directors, senior management, and program directors. 

Participants can look forward to an orientation to the iGREET curriculum through the lens of agency leadership and to provide considerations and implications that may arise through staff training. The iGREET Leadership Guide provides perspectives and best practices regarding local and state-wide decision-making, employer engagement policies, agency infrastructure, staff professional development, etc. 

Please email for more information.


Rehabilitation Counseling Academic Faculty Guide

The iGREET Academic Faculty Guide is a companion to the online curriculum and has been developed for use by faculty and students in academic rehabilitation counseling programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Although employer engagement is a mandate of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act, Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling programs have traditionally focused on job seekers with disabilities as their primary customers.  

As a resource to supplement existing VR course content, this guide provides the following:

  • descriptions of the online, asynchronous iGREET content, including comprehensive learning objectives, evidence-based and promising practices, resource materials, case studies, and other information relevant to working with employers  
  • a crosswalk between iGREET lessons and CACREP standards 
  • access to online iGREET course content by lesson, and without pre-post tests or other completion criteria. 
To receive access to the iGREET Academic Faculty Guide, contact


All of the iGREET components are reflective of the iGREET curriculum which includes four modules (a total of 14 lessons).

The iGREET series was developed under the Program on Innovative Rehabilitation Training on Employer Engagement (PIRTEE) grant funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration Grant (RSA) #H263C190012. There is no cost to participate in any of these activities through the course of the grant ending September 30, 2024. CRC continuing education credits and certificates of completion are available upon request.