The Transition Pathways Services (TPS) Work-Based Learning Model Demonstration
The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) was awarded a $5 million dollar grant to assist VR-eligible students with disabilities to participate in individually tailored work-based learning activities that promote employment and/or postsecondary educational attainment upon graduation from high school.
To achieve that, the project will establish a coordinated set of services provided by community partners including vocational rehabilitation, career centers, independent living centers and local educational authorities to increase employment and/or post secondary education for students with disabilities.
Drs. Susan Foley, Sheila Fesko, Myra Rosen-Reynoso, Heike Boeltzig, and other members of the ICI will partner with MRC to provide evaluation and TA services, and to disseminate findings nationally.
This grant seeks to improve the lives of Massachusetts residents and to increase economic and educational opportunities for youth with disabilities who are students in Massachusetts high schools.
Visit the TPS Project page if you'd like more information.
Maine Transition Work-Based Learning Model Demonstration
Maine Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) was awarded the Transition Work-Based Learning model demonstration grant, with ICI as a key partner. The grant from Rehabilitation Services Administration awarded $1.8 million per year for 5 years.
Maine will be expanding the Progressive Employment model (building upon our RRTC on Demand-Side Strategies) in two new offices serving transition age youth. Maine DVR will utilize the Progressive Employment model to expand employer relationships and align this dual customer community-based strategy with enhanced Jobs for Maine’s Graduates (JMG) programs for students with disabilities. These interventions will serve at least 200 students with disabilities per year that are within two years of graduation from high school to test whether a model of work-based learning improves competitive integrated employment and postsecondary education outcomes.
The ICI is playing a key role in Progressive Employment training / TA and supporting the evaluation, as well as providing additional disability training to staff.