Demand-side RRTC Hosts Annual Partners Meeting in Lincoln, NebraskaOn June 7-9, the Demand-side RRTC project team met with partners from the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) to discuss new developments on a number of research activities, including:
The Vermont Progressive Employment Model Learning Collaborative States Meet in Nebraska!In collaboration with the Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), the Institute for Community Inclusion is engaged in an exciting research activity to replicate and evaluate the Vermont Progressive Employment model (VTPE).
The Demand-side RRTC hosted a learning collaborative meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska on June 7. The learning collaborative supports the replication of this model in other state VR agency settings to study the impact on employment outcomes for people with disabilities. Representatives from each the five participating state VR agencies attended:
View a presentation by Senior Research Associate Kelly Haines describing what we have learned from the VTPE model evaluation and replication to date.
Stay tuned for more information regarding ExploreVR products and activities to help inform state VR agencies' procedures and policies around improving business intelligence, serving the dual-customer, meeting industry demands, using labor market information, and more!
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