Archived Webinars

Explore VR features a number of free webinars related to vocational rehabilitation (VR). Webinars allow participants and presenters to interact in real time, allowing for two-way interaction. Webinar participation is completely online and allows organizations and individuals to communicate and share resources, despite barriers of geographic location. View the archived webinars below.

Sector Strategies: What Are They and How Can They Help VR Agencies?

This ExploreVR webinar will provide information about sector strategies and how they can assist VR agencies—including leaders, administrators, and counselors—in building resources for demand-driven employment opportunities for their job seekers. A sector strategy approach is a partnership of multiple employers within a critical industry that brings together education, economic development, workforce system, and community organizations to identify and collaboratively meet the workforce needs of that industry within a regional labor market. 

Labor Market Information (LMI) for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Leadership in the Age of WIOA: A View from the Top

This ExploreVR webinar is for current and future VR leaders who want to discuss leadership-level engagement in the VR agencies' use of Labor Market Information (LMI). This topic is increasingly important given the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Topics include:

The Reasonable Accommodation Process for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors: Part 2

Vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) play an essential role in facilitating reasonable accommodation outcomes between job-seekers/employees and employers. In individual cases, the VRC can help build the job-seeker/employee’s confidence in requesting reasonable accommodation. For employers making commitments toward more diverse and inclusive workplaces, the VRC can serve as a collaborative partner to meet those goals. 

The Reasonable Accommodation Process for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors: Part 1

Vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) play an essential role in facilitating reasonable accommodation outcomes between job-seekers/employees and employers. In individual cases, the VRC can help build the job-seeker/employee’s confidence in requesting reasonable accommodation. For employers making commitments toward more diverse and inclusive workplaces, the VRC can serve as a collaborative partner to meet those goals. 

How Does the Dual Customer Approach Support VR Employment Outcomes?

This webinar will provide Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies with an overview of the National Employment Team (NET) and the Talent Acquisition Portal (TAP). Kathleen West-Evans, Director of Business Relations at the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, will discuss how the NET and TAP are building relationships with businesses that contribute to career planning and VR employment outcomes. 

Introduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) in a Job-Driven Economy

This webinar will examine the value of Labor Market Information (LMI) as it applies to national workforce job-driven initiatives around preparing youth and adults with disabilities for work. This presentation will focus on how vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies use LMI throughout various levels of the agency to inform their work with consumers and businesses. Presenters will define and discuss the impacts of traditional and real-time LMI, as well as LMI gathered from the field.  

Introduction to Customized Training (CT) in a Job-Driven Economy

This webinar will define the concept of Customized Training (CT) as it applies to national workforce job-driven initiatives around preparing youth and adults with disabilities for work. This presentation will focus on current VR Customized Training models and practices that demonstrate VR collaboration with employers and other community partners. These partnerships and training programs help to fulfill employer or industry needs for skilled workers and can provide positive employment opportunities for VR consumers. 

Hoopa Yurok - Re-entry: Inclusion in Indian County

Debra Pizzuto, David Tripp, Michael Gabriel, and Caw-Tep Sylvia from the Hoopa-Yurok Vocational Rehabilitation Program will present on the Hoopa-Yurok VR program’s involvement with the ICI Learning Collaborative, and their work on developing a consumer-driven re-entry program. A foundation of culture evolves through respect, and it also defines the Hoopa-Yurok consumer driven re-entry model. The Hoopa-Yurok's concept of respect is rooted in and drawn from the traditions of their river people in the mountains of northwestern California.