Quality Initiative - Sustaining Our Learning Organization


Lou Adams, Acting Director; Sigrid Adams, Staff Development Unit Training Manager; Cathy Cronick, District Manager; and Jean Williams, Consultant - Staff Development Unit from the Michigan Rehabilitation Services give an update on the techniques that they are using to sustain their learning organization. MRS is developing a quality assurance (QA) system that integrates performance and financial data for making daily decisions and planning for the future. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDRR-funded RTAC project on VR Program Management present the lessons they¹ve learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

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Lou Adams, Sigrid Adams, Cathy Cronick, and Jean Williams
Date/Time [EST]