
The Open Data Lab Competition winners analyzed the open access VR data from the Data Lab and wrote brief reports of the results.

Meet our ExploreVR Open Data Lab winners and read their analyses.

We are no longer accepting Open Data Lab Competition entries at this time. 





The staff at ExploreVR have analyzed VR data with descriptions and data visuals for your inquiring minds. These data analyses can help inform planning, evaluation, and policy decisions.

View our collection

Download Raw Data

Download raw datasets from the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) and Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to view a variety of data points related to VR.

Downloadable ICI Data Sets

These data sets are derived from ICI survey data.

2011 Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency Characteristics Across States
This dataset provides data from a 2011 VR Survey, conducted by the Vocational Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VR-RRTC) at the Institute for Community Inclusion/University of Massachusetts Boston (ICI/UMB). The research was jointly funded by National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and endorsed by the CSAVR Rehabilitation Research Committee.

The purpose of the survey is to better understand how state VR agencies operate within states and how this differs across states. For this purpose we collected information on VR agency characteristics. This information helps in highlighting the role of VR within the constellation of different state agencies.

2014 Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Business Relations Across States (csv)
Codebook (PDF) 
This dataset provides data from the 2014 National Survey of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies and Business Relations, conducted by the Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Demand-Side Strategies at the Institute for Community Inclusion/University of Massachusetts Boston (ICI/UMB). The research was funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).

The purpose of the survey is to examine VR agencies use of business relations, labor market information, and of dual customer strategies. We collected information from VR agency National Employment Team (NET) “single points of contact” to determine VR services to business and business relations with federal, state, and business entities.

Downloadable RSA 911 Data Sets

These data sets are derived from RSA911 data.

VR Client Duration to Closure (csv)
VR Client Duration to Closure (xls)

This dataset provides data on different measures of time spent by VR clients from application to closure, eligibility determination to closure, and Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) determination to closure.

VR Client Occupations by State and Territory from 2008-2012 (xls) 
This dataset provides data on occupation statistics across U.S. states and territories for VR clients with employment outcomes. This data is presented in an aggregated format for the period between 2008 to 2012.

VR Client Occupations by State and Territory from 2008-2014 (xls)

This dataset provides data on occupation statistics across U.S. states and territories for VR clients with employment outcomes. This data is presented in an aggregated format for the period between 2008 to 2014.

VR Client Occupations by Age Group from 2008-2014 (xls)

This dataset provides data on the occupation types by age group of VR clients with employment outcomes across U.S. states and territories between 2008-2012.

Average Weekly Wages by Major Occupation Type from 2008-2014 (xls) 

This dataset provides data on the average weekly wages of VR consumers with employment outcomes by major occupation type. 

Transition Age Youth Employment by Major Occupation Type

This dataset provides data on the percentage of transition age youth, ages 14-24 who are employed in different major occupation types.

Transition Age VR Clients Served By State and Territory 2002-2014 (csv)
Transition Age VR Clients Served By State and Territory 2002-2014 (xls)

This dataset provides aggregated data for the following metrics on transition age VR clients ages 14-24 across U.S. states and territories:

  • Total clients served
  • Cost of purchased services
  • Different calculated fields in ratio and percentages

Explore Live Data

Explore data from ICI surveys on VR agency operations and business relations. You can use these live datasets to conduct your own analyses of VR data.

2011 VR Survey Results

This dataset provides data from a 2011 VR Survey, conducted by the Vocational Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VR-RRTC) at the Institute for Community Inclusion/University of Massachusetts Boston (ICI UMB). The research was jointly funded by NIDILRR and RSA and endorsed by the CSAVR Rehabilitation Research Committee.

The purpose of the survey is to better understand how state VR agencies operate within states and how this differs across states. For this purpose we collected information on VR agency characteristics. This information helps in highlighting the role of VR within the constellation of different state agencies.

Share Your Data

You can share your data with VR researchers and agency personnel on ExploreVR! Fill out this online form to explain and upload your dataset. 

Request Customized Data Analysis

The ExploreVR team can analyze data to help serve your VR agency's needs.

  1. Submit your request through this online form.
  2. The ExploreVR team will contact you via email to confirm our understanding of your request.
  3. The ExploreVR team will conduct the analysis.
  4. The ExploreVR team will send you the analysis via email with an appropriate explanation.

Contact Kartik Trivedi with questions regarding the ExploreVR Data Lab.